Must Eat 3 Best Fruits After Age 50

• Intro

Hello and welcome today we're talking about something that's important for folks over 50. as we grow older our bodies go through some changes our digestion might not work as smoothly as it used to leading to irregular bowel movements and sometimes even difficulty controlling them plus our memory might start playing tricks on us making it take a bit longer to process things in this video we 

want to share with you the top three fruits that can really make a difference for people over 50. these fruits can help with a lot of the stuff that comes along with getting older

with your friends on platforms now let's talk about some of the things that can happen as you hit the 50-year mark your digestion might not be as strong which can make it tricky to eat some of the foods you used to enjoy without a hitch your eyesight might start to fade a bit which could be a sign of something called age-related macular degeneration AMD it's a condition that affects over 2 million Americans who are 50 or older and

memory well it sometimes takes a little vacation especially for those over 60. you might find yourself forgetting things more often than you used to also it's common for folks in this age group to have high cholesterol and triglyceride levels so doctors often recommend regular checkups don't forget about keeping an eye on your blood pressure too as hypertension is quite common in people over 60. as we've talked about in previous videos a good number

of folks over 50 deal with high blood pressure there are many reasons why health issues can crop up at this age like trouble with digestion or digestive disorders but here's the good news the right nutrition can help prevent or ease these problems so in this video we'll introduce you to three fruits that

are especially helpful for people over 50. whether you're looking to stay healthy or want to prevent some of those age-related issues these fruits can be a tasty and beneficial addition to your diet

1. Papaya

Let's talk about why papaya is such a fantastic choice especially if you're over 50. first off papaya is like your digestive sidekick it contains an enzyme called papain which is like a superhero for breaking down proteins and making digestion smoother and let's be honest as we get older digestion can sometimes be a bit of a challenge so having two to three slices of papaya a day or even a whole papaya can really help keep things

moving smoothly down there and keep your tummy happy but that's not all papaya is a nutritional Powerhouse it's packed with all the good stuff your body needs we're talking about essential vitamins like vitamin C vitamin A which comes from those cool carotenoids vitamin E and important minerals like potassium and folate it's like a One-Stop shop for essential nutrients and here's something else you might not know papaya is like a secret weapon for your eyes

it's loaded with carotenoids that your body turns into Vitamin A which is crucial for maintaining sharp eyesight so if you want to keep those peepers in top shape papaya is your go-to now let's talk about your immune system as we age our immune system might not be as strong as it used to be but guess what papaya can help with that too it's got a hefty dose of vitamin C and more of those carotenoids we mentioned earlier these goodies help your immune system stay

strong and ready to fend off any Invaders that's pretty important especially when you consider that our immunity tends to take a hit as we get older last but not least papaya is a superhero when it comes to fighting off the bad guys called free radicals it's packed with antioxidants like vitamin C beta-carotene and flavonoids which work hard to protect your cells from oxidative damage in simpler terms papaya helps keep your

body in Tip-Top shape so if you're over 50 consider adding some papaya to your daily diet it's like a proactive step towards staying healthy and strong as you navigate the ups and downs of getting older papaya is here to help you feel your best

2. Lemon

Often hailed as a superstar in the world of fruits offers a remarkable array of benefits for individuals over 50. it's a fruit that deserves a special place in your daily diet for several compelling reasons first and foremost let's talk about blood pressure as we age high blood pressure can become a concern lemon steps in as a hero in this regard regular consumption of lemon particularly in the form of its juice has been associated with blood

pressure regulation this is a significant Advantage given that blood pressure tends to creep up with age and maintaining a healthy range is vital for overall well-being but lemon doesn't stop at blood pressure control it is another trick up its sleeve fortifying the immune system with age the immune system may lose some of its former

Vigor making it essential to strengthen its defenses lemon comes to the rescue once again thanks to its high vitamin C content and a host of other immune boosting compounds ensuring a robust immune system becomes Paramount after the age of 50 and lemon stands as a valuable Ally in achieving this now let's dive into digestion lemon is a digestive Powerhouse incorporating lemon juice even just a splash into your meals can work 

wonders in aiding food digestion the enzymes and acidity in lemon juice help break down food effectively and promote a balanced digestive system this property is especially beneficial for older individuals who may encounter digestive challenges weight management is another area where lemon can lend a helping hand

pectin a type of fiber found in lemons can help curb your appetite and maintain a sense of fullness this can be particularly useful for those looking to manage their weight as they age last but not least lemons are champions of antioxidants loaded with vitamin C flavonoids and other potent antioxidants they play a significant role in protecting your cells from oxidative damage

caused by free radicals this protection can help slow down the aging process and reduce the risk of chronic diseases lemon is a true Ally for individuals over 50 offering a plethora of health benefits incorporating lemon into your daily routine is a small but powerful step towards Better Health in your golden years

3. Raisins

you know raisins are like an unsung hero when it comes to healthy eating and we've talked about them quite a bit on our Channel they come with a whole bunch of Health perks and one of the standout features is how they keep things moving in your digestive system if you're looking to get this benefit try adding three to four tablespoons of raisins to your daily meals oh and here's a little trick you can soak them in water for a few hours or

give them a light cook before munching down this actually amps up the goodness of these dry gems and get this raisins don't stop at digestion they've got a neat trick for memory too as we age memory can sometimes play tricks on us right well Studies have shown that having about three to four tablespoons of raisins each day might actually give your memory a boost now if you're not used to having this amount start

slow and see how your body feels about it if you have diabetes it's super important to chat with your doc about how many raisins might be right for you now for folks without diabetes adding three to four tablespoons of raisins to your daily routine is totally safe they're also a Powerhouse of heart healthy stuff we're talking dietary fiber potassium and antioxidants the 

fiber helps keep those cholesterol levels in check which is a big deal for heart health and potassium well that helps keep your blood pressure in a good spot research in the American journal of clinical nutrition has actually shown that munching on raisins regularly can lead to better blood pressure control and let's not forget about our bones as we get older keeping our bones strong is a big deal raisins bring a

little something special to the table here they've got Boron a mineral that's like a superhero for bone health it helps your body absorb calcium magnesium and phosphorus all of which are key players in keeping those bones dense and strong researchers in the Journal of Trace elements in medicine and biology have even given a nod to this raisins are not only good for your body but they can also help prevent anemia a pretty common condition that can leave

you feeling weak and fatigued and scientific Studies have pointed out that raisins might just be the ticket for treating iron deficiency anemia the most common type that affects folks in general so don't underestimate

wishing you excellent Health abundant peace and a whole lot of love and fruit in your life take care and may you be blessed.